Preventa & Vetera DDW

Niet-academische artikelen over Deuterium

Een overzicht van niet-academische artikelen en referenties:

  • A Brief History of 
Deuterium Depleted Water by Victor Sagalovsky
  • Deutonomics ~ Dr. Petra Dorfsman
  • Oxygen Mediated Ketogenic Nanolubrication of ATP Synthesis by Deuterium Depleted Low Viscosity
       Metabolic Water in Mitochondria ~ László G. Boros
  • Biological Nanomechanics: ATP Synthesis and Deuterium Depletion ~ László G. Boros
  • Deuterium as a Risk Factor for Mental Disorder ~ I. Pomytkin, A. Chernopiatko, T. Strekalova, and D.C. Anthony
  • Energy Drink: No caffeine, No taurine, Simply Pure Water ~ Pomytkin Igor, Chernopiatko Anton
  • Ecology of Water ~ Gennadiy Berdeshev, Nikolai Deshko, Geza Nagy, Vitalij Demura.
  • What You Need to Know About Deuterium: Fatigue, Cancer, Metabolic Issues ~ Corey Nelson
  • Heavy Water, Molecular Evolution And Life On Our Planet ~ Oleg Mosin
  • Biological role of heavy water in living organisms ~ I.TOROPTSEV, B.RODIMOV, A.MARSHUNINA,
  • Youtube uitzending over de over de relatie met het ketogeen dieet en meer.
  • Youtube Interview met Dr Laszlo Boros over Deutenomics 'From Cancer & Obesity To Depression & Autoimmunity'.

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